Sunday, July 10, 2011

How to deal with a friend who thinks she knows it all?

I have a friend who calls me everyday and tells me everything that's going on in her life. We'll talk and she'll tell me she's going to do something and I know it's impossible to do that something so I'll tell her but she always insists that she is going to be able to do it's like she's living in her own little world. She then comes back after she finds out that her idea/plan didn't work but not in a "you were right" kind of way, she always tries to make it seem as if there was some unusual circumstance and that's the only reason that it didn't work out. Anyway, she is currently living in a hotel while she looks for an apartment and her 9 year old son has missed almost 3 weeks of school. His prior school called her to enquire about him because no school has called to get his transcript. I tell her to put him in a school near the hotel for now until she gets a place in the town she wants to live in. She tells me she's not going to do that to her son and that she is going to put him in a school that is in the town she wants to relocate to. I tell her that they are going to deny him and refer her to a school that's in the district where the motel is located. Of course she insists so I just left it alone. How should I go about dealing with someone like this? It's frustrating as hell when I tell her things and she always has to feel to believe and then wants to cry on my shoulder a week later. This happens almost on a daily basis, she is always trying to go about life HER way

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