Thursday, July 14, 2011

I'm really confused about uni... :S?

Well... it's kind of a long story, but i will try and sum it up as much as I can... u see, I've always wanted to do medicine ever since I was little, I've wanted to help people and have always had that image in the back of my head, however, when it came to the time of choosing which subject to take into sixth form, I was completely confused about which subject to choose, this was mainly because of the meeting I had, had with my careers adviser, she had completely tried to put me off the subject of taking medicine, telling me it will be difficult etc, but I already know that, even so, she told me, it was best not to choose the subject because she felt that my grades were not going to be suffiicent enough as I was doing foundation science, english and maths, which by the way I have no idea why the teachers put me in these courses I was more than capable of getting a B atleaste in English, but anyways, as a result, I got confused into which sub to choose, my mum and most my family, have always wanted me to go into animation and media, and my dad wanted me to do business from a young age, now I no, it's meant to be my own decision, but at this point i'm just soo... confused :s. So I decided to talk to a teacher, my science teacher, she had said it would be ok to do Science A-Level, even if i'm studying foundation, i begged her to put me in higher, but at the last day i was put in foundation, after studying biology higher... so on the day before half term, I filled put my application and was ready to hand it in for Science, but I don't no something inside me was stopping me from doing it, so i held on to it until after half term, after the holidays, I still hadn't decided my final subject, on the deadline of the application being submitted, I decided to choose Business and Media S with ICT, on results day i got my C's and enrolled, it had been a good couple of years with the subjects, but there was always this nagging in the back of my head, and when it came for time of applying to uni for a course, I was soooo stressed with ICT coursework that I just thought it would make sense to apply to a couple of unis with Business and Management, not nowing all these things about having the ability to choose different courses to apply to uni, I had no support at the time and was very confused, therefore, after making the choice and 5-6 months later, I started feeling as if maybe I had a chance of rejoining Science, thats when I found that Westminister, (my secure choice) offers a course on lots of Science related subjects, WITH FOUNDATION!!! (Blessing in disguise??? Maybe...) so I contacted Westminister to ask if it is possible to switch, ONLY TO ENQUIRE!!! I was then contacted back later that my course has now been changed... so I should be happy right??? Well, I dunno anymore... my mum then spoke to me after I was in tears a whole night about my whole situation... she explained that it would mainlly be best for me to choose Business as I have done the two year course... however, after speaking to my friend's sister, who also goes Westminister, she said that, maybe it would be best to do the foundation year giving me a year to decide on the course itself... but there are some issues with this... if I decided to choose medicen as my path, what would this mean about the amount of years it would take to complete the course? Wouldn't it be the same as completing a Business and Management course which then leads to post graduation? Say if I wanna become a GP/FP which I always have... or a specialist route such as Dietrician... what would this all mean to me?? As you can see, i'm in a really confusing situation, if anyone can help seriously!!! Thank U soooooooooooooooo much, there are no words in the world, which would tell you how gratefull i'd be, also as this is my first post and an important one, i'll really appriciate it if you would only give me SERIOUS ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!! Please, and thank you once again!!! :)

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