Monday, July 11, 2011

What have you recently learned?

I learned there isn't such a thing as soul-mates. I believe that man was made for woman and viceversa. I believe that most people base their connectivity on superficial things (such as looks,money,popularity and so on) and they call it love but when they see that it wasn't love they get mad,confused,blameful,bitter, resentful & lost. Love is to want to do what is right and good. To uphold a strong desire to restore people including self, preserve people by saying and doing things that are productive and not destructive. Love is bold and doesn't settle for the lusts of this world but the true faith in goodness. Man & woman are different but yet so much similar. Man was made for certain duties and woman for hers. Mankind are complimentary to each other and are meant to work harmoaniously, as a person with their horse or the moon to the sun. People are full of blame competition and egocentricity. Love is humble and giving, needs not to boast because it knows (not thinks) what is good and right. Be noble, be good ,be who we were meant to be, as we were designed to be.

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