Thursday, July 14, 2011

My husband treats me so badly l have tried all that l can is it time to give up?

hi everyone, this is my story- l have been married to a once wonderful man for over ten years and l have two babies with him. We shared and experienced a wonderful few years together and then we had a rough year but survived it but then sadly the last year and a half has been the most painful and worst year of my life. l dont recognise him anymore and despite all my efforts to communicate with him , help him and love him he shuts me out of his life and treats me appallingly. He has abandoned me during my pregnancies, socialises independent of me , vacations with other people , verbally and mentally abuses me all the time , judging me and mocking me all the time, quick to criticise and always leaves me to bear the responsibility of our children and finances whilst he spends his money pursuing his destructive interests. He has friends l know nothing of and am not allowed to meet , he goes out with other women and disappears for days and weeks not contacting me and telling me its none of my business if l enquire about his whereabouts, he has not supported me with the children and argues that we need to spend as little time as possible together, he continually messes and enjoys messing with my feelings and head and one day wants to leave me and other days is talking about a future together . the only times when he is decent towards me is when he needs my help in anyway and l obligingly and happily always give it to him and yet he is never there for me or the children. l am exhausted from never knowing where l stand with him. l would walk away but we live in my home and so l cant leave . l am well educated and financially independent of him, yet l cant bear to have him leave me , he has destroyed us and our relationship and yet he places the blame on me. He doesnt want to talk and if l try to talk to him he mocks me and pulls funny faces hurting me delibrately with nasty comments,.l feel as if l am hurtling fast towards depression and for some inexplicable reason dont have the courage to ask him to leave as l cant accept that this is how things have ended between us, everything seems surreal but this outrageously unfair treatment cant continue and l have even seriously contemplated and made a failed attempt at taking my own life as it would be easier for him to be happy and have the children then for us to continue this way. l dont know why l feel as if l cant live without him because l know that he is not good for me or our babies. all l ever wanted was a peaceful , happy life and l couldnt have got further from it and l cant believe that this is happening and has happened to us. Does anyone have any ideas what more l could try before l finally have to face reality and take charge before he destroys me?

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