Monday, July 18, 2011

What could be the rotor and brake pads replacement price for 1999 honda accord?

I m hearing a squeaking noise in the front wheel. when i enquired in NTB and came to know that i will have to replace the front rotors and front brake pads. Estimate is around $ 420 including labour. Just wanted to make sure if this is the reality price. Please help.

ME aeronautical engineering or ME AME?

i have planed to do BE mechanical engineering n in my college i am enquired about the further studies.i wanna join in airlines with good salary......i wanna do M.E in aeronautics line.....which is better AME or aeronautical.............the scope must b gud , salary must b good , both in india n outside

What would you rate my essay, A, B,C etc.?

I would give it a B.I wrote my essays just like you and I always got a B. But the reason was that I didn't have enough parenthetical references.I think you could use some more of that and you could add a little bit more analysis to your individual paragraphs

Lloyds Bank lacks sincerity?

Hi I suggest you do a thorough research before choosing a bank. After all, it is your money and facing such situations is really a bad thing.


I find this dumb , these people just want you to react if you start ignoring them then they are going to mind their job and go on. What you need is peace of mind so consider having soundproof insulation at your home. Don't react to them instead you surprise them the next time they follow you , you make the move go to them smile at them and introduce yourself , apologize and be nice. if they cause trouble confront them in public and the public will take care of the remaining things

Are the titliest 704 irons too old?

I have an offer to buy the titliest 704 irons right now i have some old wilsons I'm playing I usually shoot somewehre in the 90's are they too far behind or a good idea?

I think I have ADHD/ADD?

I'm not really hyper or impulsed to blurt things out or anything but its hard for me to focus on anything, people usually have to ask me a question twice because I stare into space a lot. My mind wanders and I daydream a lot. It sometimes takes me awhile to process what people are saying when I used to be more.. aware or something. I don't get bad grades... I have a 4.0 GPA but I think I have ADD... the more not-paying-attention part. I'm also fidgety and I'm sorta moody.

RAMADAN: Why Most Muslims are disobedient to RASOOLALLAH (SAWW)?

Sunnis are too blind to see Allah has placed dark clouds on thier heart and they have lost their path.

How to tether a samsung focus?

his i have a Samsung focus i have been trying to tether it ans so far i have changed the setting to tethered call and i had to get the drivers off the internet. but i cant find my phone in the control panel in network sharing center, i don't know what to do i am also using the original cable.

Volunteering and leadership?

just make sure you use a lot of sat words because they really look at that but make sure they make sense i dont understand the prompt

Dialogue in 150 word about buying a mobile phone with different features?

write a dialogue about in 150 words taking about 10 turns on you are at the mobile store to purchase a new make enquires from the sale person about the features of the handset.

Why do liberals praise Woodrow Wilson as a progressive icon?

don't they know if his speech restriction laws were still in place today every lib who protested the Iraq war would be in prison for 20yrs?

Its been over 2 years but still no commitment not even dating. what should i do? am i getting played or what?

This guy and I have been sleeping together on and off for almost 2 years now, we go out to dinner or to do something fun, I know his whole family and go to his family gatherings, we can just lay in bed and talk and cuddle all night without having sex. He kisses me with passion not just a stupid peck, he says he cares about me. I am currently almost 9 months pregnant but not with his child, with someone i dated for a short time now my daughters father is no longer around and hasnt been since 8 weeks, then him and I started our weird relationship again and he calls every single night to tell me goodnight and to have me put my phone to my stomach so he can tell her goodnight, brings me food or whatever im craving at anytime of the night even tho he lives 20 minutes away, goes to my doctors appointment with me but yet we are still just friends. He was married before and his wife was killed in a car accident on there 2 year wedding anniversary. he was driving but it wasnt his fault. that was 6 years ago and she was his only love, they were together since they were 13. he is now 30 and keeps saying it makes a horrible bf because he focuses to much on his video games but yet ive never seen it. he also says he isnt ready for another commitement because he is scared of loosing someone else. Does it sound like im getting used just for sex or could there maybe be some truth to what he is saying. I really love him and he knows that but doesnt say anything back really. I hate giving up hope but ive never felt like this before with anyone else and i think thats why i always go back to him.

I'm looking for a tennis racket which one should i get?

im starting to play tennis but i never played it, and i want to by a racket but i dont know how each racket works i was looking into this onea href="|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0" rel="nofollow"…/a is it a good one

Male porn star database!?

No there is no such database. Most people who do porn aren't going to use their own name or details. Sounds like the person who posted those comments is just an immature twit and should be ignored

Should I choose a college based on education alone or places suitable for my health?

I'm going to be a Junior in high school this coming fall and my goal by the end of this summer is to have a list of my top ten college choices so I'd know what their requirements and such are so I know what I need to do. I have bunch of colleges in mind and I am a bit overwhelmed, but I think I'm doing pretty well on my research so far. I also have eczema (a very common skin condition) which gets worse in the summer and in warm temperatures. I really do prefer colder climates because of this. I was wondering if I should limit my choices to areas which have suitable climates for my physical health? Or should I just focus on educations basis only? I really don't have a major in mind but I have narrowed it down to 5: English (creative writing), History/library sciences, PR, Marketing, International Public Relations.

I'm choosing a tennis racquet for game improvement?

Out of the one's on your list, I would say the best for you would be the Wilson K Factor KBlade Team (They actually have a new version of the racket called the BLX Blade Team) or the Head MicroGEL Radical Midplus (They have Youtek now, but the older one's are probably cheaper and not very different). I really enjoyed hitting with the KBlade Team when I demoed it; the racket has good power and consistency without feeling too much like a player's racket like the KBlade 98 does. The Head Radical is a solid racket, but I use the Head Prestige Midplus which I believe to be much better, but I've been playing for many years and the prestige is a more advanced racket. At your level, I would also try out the Babolat Aero Pro Drive or the Babolat Pure Drive. I was never into these rackets, but a giant majority of people love them and experience great success using them. However, based purely on your list, I would try demoing the KBlade Team first! Good Luck!

Would you hire a wedding dress?

hi,im thinking of starting my own business and looking to so into the hiring of bridal dresses,prom dresses etc so im just enquiring as to what people think...???

Why does the Bible have Contradictions, I always thought God was Not the author of confusion, Why?

I have done the research and have explanations all typed up for you to read over. However, the text field is too small for all of the information to fit in and I can't seem to e-mail you. If you would like the explanations then contact me and I will send them to you.

I want to buy an 1.5 t AC. Carrier Estrella or Hair 18cl03AH?

I have enquired so much about ACs, now I am a little confused. Which one to buy Carrier Estrella 3* or LG or Hair 1.5 ton. I want a durable good performing AC.

Why do trolls keep asking Christians questions about keeping Old Testament commandments?

old timer, when you like an idea, you can find something in the old testament that supports it. If you don't like something, It's not relevant because it's in the old testament, not the new. When are you going to make up your mind? And that's not just a best shot, it's a pertinent shot as well. But maybe you can explain one thing. What the heck is poe?

Anxiety perhaps? Or could it be something dealing with my weight?

I have been dealing with an anxiety problem and panic attacks for the last 2 months and I have the same problem you are having everyday! Like everything is a dream/fog. It can actually be both...I have anxiety and I ate very bad foods...loved my fatty foods! I have lost 35 pounds in the last two months and cut our all caffeine and sugar from my diet and only drink water and I thought it would make me feel better but I actually feel worse now then when I was heavier but I know that is mainly due to the anxiety I have gotten in the last 2 months. One thing people don't realize is that a Magnesium deficiency can do crazy things to your body and mind!!!! a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a People with anxiety sort of "eat up" the magnesium in their bodies faster so if you already have a deficiency it would be worse for anxiety sufferers. Since I have the same symptoms you do I am going to try to get a test to check my vitamin levels and I suggest you try to do the same!

Similarities with Latin American and PInoy soap operas?

You forgot the talking fishes and the turtles. What ever the theme of their soap opera the story ends up similar to the previous episode. Thats why I don't watch soap operas, it's so obvious that they just want to make money by getting the attention of the kids, yet the quality of how it was made is very poor and the story is always whimsical.

Hey im in a 6 team keeper league and ive narrowed it down and was hopin for some advise so here's my players:?

mark teixera, troy tulowitzki, michael bourne, buster posey, cliff lee, stephan strasburg, brian wilson, michael young. thanks.

Ramadan: dream interpretation?

I had an awfull experience last night.Here we were three persons discussing something(i forgot what) in an open book,suddenly a stout muscular man with piercing ghastly eyes with folded hands overlooked all of us.I was perfectly hale and healthy, the other people took notice to the stranger and enquired what did he want.'i come for him' he replied with authority, extended his hand on my chest and -ZAP- everything around me disappeared- no people,no colour,no me.I felt like a fish hook recoiling me at supersonic speed(i even didnt see any part of my body) at an acceleration of g,and as if my whole body got puntured at various places leaking air, could not feel anything as though there was no physical body- only the tug at my heart.After about a second of horizontal flight it came to a crashing halt, and all the same dark nothingness.By this time i woke up and my whole body went numb except the weight on my heart.I was so shaken and thirsty,i knew i did not want to die in my sins.So does it mean i am going to die soon?Would you like to die suddenly without any prior signs and wonder am i really dead? Or a slow progressing death?

Should I take the antidepressant?

i don't recommend such stuff ,, my grandma used an antidepressant for Alzheimer so it's not to be used except when it's serious

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My computer keeps on coming up with an error message about my ati radeon x300 se driver sayin it dusnt work?

i cant play games or use it to create games (which is what im focusing on at the moment) an i cant fix it heeeeeellllllppp

Update of my story, what do you think?

i'm really sorry i couldn't get through keep changing tense (something that really bugs me) the plot sounds alright but sort out which tense you want it in. xxx

In starcraft 2, does the terran bunker focus fire on one target or can it shoot on multiple targets?

for example...if you put 4 marines inside, can it shoot at 4, 3, 2 different targets? Like does the AI randomly shoot at whatever is nearby? Does the 2 marauders in a bunker shoot at different targets? Can you choose which units fire at which ones if possible?

What is this type of photo called?

I would like to take photos for my photography project, and I have had the idea of having someone sitting on a bench perfectly in focus and crisp, and everything else (that moves) in the image is blured. I need to get some photos like this for research purposes but I have know idea what to search for on the web. Any Ideas? Thanks :)

Should I trade David Ortiz and Tim Hudson for Justin Verlander and Grady Sizemore?

There's a lot to value here. Grady might return to his All-Star form and I think he will as long as he avoids long term injuries and so forth. I say go for it and be patient with Grady. It might take a while for him to go back to his All Star form. In fact, I think he will after the All Star break.

Not sure what to do anymore?

I think the best way to go is to get your friends together and base your free time around them. Don't let yourself be alone because it might start you thinking about your ex. Spend time around people who care about you and want to see you smiling, most importantly have fun! If a guy asks you out who you find decent, it's better to give him a chance than to reject him straight off. By agreeing to go on a date you're not betraying anyone! You will eventually find someone who you can love even more than your ex, you just have to give it a try each time the opportunity comes round. Being single can be so much fun, you just need to look at things objectively and decide what's best for you: whether you want to be in a relationship or whether you're ok being single for a while. You never know when someone will come into your life, you just have to take opportunities when they come! You will definitely get over him, it's still an open wound. You just have to get far away from him, and try to have fun without him, you'll be fine :)

Should I accept this trade?

yes i think you should. when the players are compared i think wilson will get more saves than Bell and DAn Uggla is a better hitter than Johnson.

Will a Wilson A2k fit a 13 year Old?

Yes, that glove should be fine for you if you play competitively a lot of the year. It should be pretty useful. The Wilson A2K series is a great mitt and I own one that's a KP92 and have had it since 2009. It's a great series and you should be fine with it.

How can i be honest with him?

okay so i started talking to this guy, now we text and stuff, we went on a date last week, and my friend is friends with him and talks to him and she knows he likes me. he has also told me that he likes me and he wants to go on another date, just i dont think i can. i dont like him and i dont want to hurt his feelings. hes really nice just i cant seem to like him like he likes me. plus, i have an ex and weve been starting to get closer and closer and i want to focus more on that. when i first started talking to this guy who likes me, my intentions werent to go out with him, but i think thats what his intentions were. i need to tell him somehow so he doesnt waste his time on me, just i really dont know how to because ive never been in this kind of situation before. thanks!

How do i stop feeling out of control?

I'm sure I'm gonna get a lot of hate and attacks for this response. But I've felt that same way, and still do occasionally. For me, going out with friends/smoking weed/drinking/partying is a great release. It isolates my mind from the rest of life. I can simply let loose and enjoy myself. After relieving tension this way, I have more motivation to use for everything else. This may seem very illogical, but it works for me. Hope you figure out what works for you.

These pres get and undeserved bad rap am i right?

herbert hoover and Richard Nixon and warren Harding and Jimmy Carter. but then historians act like Woodrow Wilson and bill Clinton were so great.

Should i text him or no please advice?

You have asked about this situation many many times. If your boyfriend says he wants space and won't talk to you and is only checking in sporadically on his terms then this is not a relationship. If you want to get this sorted you have to agree to take a complete break for a while with no contact or just split up with him.

What are some ways to focus on what you are doing and what can you do to stop daydreaming?

Try only thinking about paying attention. And like move your foot back and forth or tapp your hand so that way you don't start to doze off into a daydream(:

Studios for genital tattoos?

Where in newcastle, South Shields, Sunderland, Durham, Jarrow and Northumberland can i get a tattoo on a penis. (i am looking for actual shop names as ive tried enquiring with numerous places and got no reply)

The REMIX of the song played in Hall Pass?

its in the club scene when owen wilson finds the blonde. I know its walking on a dream by empire of sun ... but its a remix because its sounds different from the original !! which remix is it? thank u

A good book for a teenage girl?

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower" Its about a teenager who just starts high school and experiences how much his life changes. It is very relatable for a teenager. It deals with alcohol, drugs, homosexuality, abuse, and teenage sexuality.

How do i lose stomach fat?

I do cardio and weight training and then some core exercises. I am losing weight according to the scale but it seems to come off every where but my stomach. So how do i focus weight lose if that is possible?

I keep making other peoples issues about me.?

Why is it your job to be everyone's cheerleader? Your fat friend obviously is using your compassion against you. Stop allowing her and everyone else to manipulate you and your feelings. She ate her way up to being fat, it's her responsibility to lose the weight, not yours. When she loses 25 pounds THEN compliment her. But YOU ARE NOT THE WORLD'S NURSEMAID! It's as simple as that.

What Camera Should I Get?

I'm looking for a camera that I can shoot models outside and inside with. It needs to be around $300.00. Great mega pixels and also very good at taking pictures in low light and in bright light. Also a camera that will still focus if I shake it a tiny bit. I just need a little help deciding which one should I get for what I'm going to do with it. I'd kill myself if I went and bought a camera that didn't work!

Am I wrong to think people should ask and enquire about someone if they have been sick?

It seems that most people just like to avoid asking anything and leave it for the person to say something but shouldn't others show some interest

What to do with small children who act up when guests come over?

How much notice does he have of the guests, and what is your level of involvement with him immediately prior to their arrival?

Do you think that Wilson Chandler would be a good fit at the Nets?

Their weakest starting spot is clearly SF. Chandler can provide shooting, D, rebounding. Also with Chandler the Nets would be able to use Anthony Morrow, Brook Lopez, and maybe Humphries to bring D. Howard there.

How do I fix my messy marriage?

You guys are two different personalities, his contolling behaviour won't get better with time as you allready know. If you can find someone affectionate & understanding you'd be better off than being with your husband-husband will be nothing but misery for you. I had separated on controlling husband, missed him a lot, did not remarry. It is like you are miserable with him, and also miserable without him. Time to make up your mind for good.

Can I become a zookeeper with an anthropology major?

Probably biology or animal behavior. But I'm pretty positive you don't need to be a college graduate to become a zookeeper unless you want to be a manager.

Please tell me why this All-Star filled Fantasy Baseball team is losing?

maybe becuase zimmerman was injured napoli sucks heyward was injured and is doing bad mccuchtchen is overrated your big problem is pitching strausburg is injjured bumgarner is doing bad so is danks dempter lilly CARPENTer you should start streaming the free agent market for pitchers

My friend says this girl was trying to break the ice, I however don't think so. What do you think ?

I think you are right. altought when i try to break the ice, i do say things like that, i dont think that is wat she is inquiring

Anime similar to Majutsushi Orphen (sorcerous stabber orphan)?

Im looking for something similar to orphan where the main character is really strong, and the focus of the plot is about him. Must be a male lead character and have action or magic.

Is ir normal for a straight girl to like male gay porn?

Umm i seem to get turned on more when i watch gay porn cus you get to see more cock. Whereas straight porn they mainly focus on the girl which is kind of a turn of for me..

Should I try to study abroad in Germany?

Studying abroad is a great program, which you would get so much out of! You might have to know phrases in German, in which you use everyday, with a little more. You've heard the phrase: "All that and a bag of potato chips" Well, that's probably what you'll need to know. You need to know all the daily phrases, like "Where's the restroom?" and "How are you?", which in German is "Wo ist die Toilette" and "Wie geht es Ihnen". But, that won't cut it in Germany, you will need to know a lot more. Now, if you're not looking into learning a brand new language, then I would choose Sweden, where what you said was right! Most of the language does know more than 1 or 2 languages, with most having a 2nd or 3rd language in English.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

NBA 2k11 association ?

The starting core seems like a poor midrange\3pt shooting team. If it was possibly you should try trading Wilson Chandler and a few more players to try and get a low post\good rebounding PF. But this is a very athletic team and which can probably draw alot of fouls and drive with ease.

How to make my neck and cheeks look less flabby?

well, my neck isn't that flabby. it just looks like i have no chin from the side. if you know who brian wilson is, it looks a little like that. also, my cheeks are kinda chubby and im tired of people pinching them because they're "adorable." what can i do to fix them?

I am trying to find an old friend from camp?

I used to go to a camp in Nc and i knew a girl there named Amber Wilson. I don't have any other info about her except her old address which i looked through the county stuff online to find out the house was sold back in 03 but i still am looking to find her. she could be married now or anything does anyone have any ideas?

I Think I Lost my Mojo ..Help Me !?

Usually i am a very outgoing guy wont hesitate to talk to any girl i see but for the past 2 months i' am having a very hard time approaching females. 2months prior to all this, i was very focused on graduating and was also dating someone so i lost sight of meeting new people. Now that its all over, it seems like I back out of approaching females period !. And whenever i feel like im getting back into things , things dont work out or i get rejected, then im back to square one . I use to not care if i got rejected but now ..i just feel like i lost it. What should i do ?

Does baby bonus still exist?

I was enquiring to see if the baby bonus still exist. Some of my friends have told me it does, others have said it doesn't. I have looked it up on Centrelink, and it's still there.... Is it still there?

How do I concentrate on a book?

I am 14 years old and this year I moved to a Catholic school. So the summer reading list they gave me for sophomore year includes: The Best Short Stories of Edgar Allen Poe, Pudd'nhead Wilson, and Surprised By Truth. I have absolute no interest in these books at all since I don't typically like classical novels or short stories because of the language they're using. Can anyone give me an advice on how to concentrate on reading these books because it is really hard to focus. Thank you very much!

Can a collection agency call and threaten your boss and other employees?

I have a collection agency who has called my place of employment. James Wilson 347-709-1643 or 646-397-2416 address is 101 E Green Street, Brooklyn NY 11413 has called my boss, other employees and myself ******* bitches and if I do not pay a payday loan he will put us in jail for 45 days. He will get my fired from my job. He said this was a bad check from account that was over 4 years ago. He wants this money by July 1st or he will come and arrest me. I am at the point I now am refusing to pay this bill because of this behavior. I tried to talk to his boss Dennis Peterson with not success. Mr Wilson also states he is officer and his badge is 27642. I need to know if he can legally call my place of employment and threaten me and other employees?

Is it usual to cut the fringe on a hand knitted baby shawl?

You already have the answer for dressed, and personally i would cut the fringe so it is all even, looks much neater. Good luck

Examples of Daisy Buchanan being irresponsible?

In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald what are some quotes from the book that show Daisy being irresponsible? besides hitting Myrtle Wilson and not stopping and leaving with Tom at the end.

I dont do homework, year 10?

I just dont do homework, i am going to start getting in the habit of it now and focusing more. Because of not doing a lot of homework, will i fail year 11 and 12? or if i start doing homework soon, could i have a chance of getting high grades for year 11 and 12?

Should i focus on the diagnosis or the symptoms?

Hi guys. Hope you are fine today. I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder.I have a history of major depression but i wasn't diagnosed until after i had a hypomanic episode.Some people's experiences of hypomania can be quite positive.With some experiencing high functioning behaviour and increased productivity and creativity.However my hypomanic phase was a very negative experience.It was characterised by uncontrollable racing thoughts, insomnia,dysphoria(extreme agitation and irritability), full blown rages,excess energy, hypersexuality and excessive spending.I am now on Lithium and my pdoc is great.My question is should i focus on the label or the symptoms?

How to deal with TimBob's worry?

I don't think you should stop answering questions now because if you do, he'll think something has changed and things are no longer okay. But perhaps you can become more vague and not let on that things got worse. Are there books about kids who's parents have what you have? Maybe if he can see another kid going through what your family is going through he will be less worried. But I think the curiosity is natural. It's something wrong with his mum, so of course he wants to understand it. I think honestly explaining it was a good way of dealing.

Do I have to Have A Certificate 3 In Retail to apply for a job at woolies? - some of my friends used this site to find entry level part-time jobs in restaurants and department stores.

Book suggestions: books with several main characters? e.g. sisterhood series?

im looking for books that have several main characters and focuses on all there issues equally. for example the sisterhood of the travelling pants series. it can be any genre. thank you.

I never finish anything?

Well, you were able to type this long boring question that no one cares about. I'm just sayin, right?

Which golf clubs are right for me?

So basically, im new at golf. Howeer i will be playing alot over the summer and i plan to join a goolf team. I need clubs that arent total garbage yet they are not too expensive. This is what i have found that i liked so far? and i already own a putter. does anyone have any insight on these clubs?

Is this normal......or are we just growing apart?

Yeah shes getting older n she wants to do somthing wit her life. she did the party thing now shes focusin on making that money

If super ally (coisty) reads this please sign rino gattuso and enquire about allan hutton?

if your looking for a champions league player he is your man and we all know he loved his time at rangers and would like to end his career here and wont be far away at the age of 33

Why does the mainstream media target tweens and teenagers so heavily through music and tv?

Why does the mainstream media dedicate so much focus and time towards marketing to tweens and teenagers? Is it cause this is the easiest age demographic to sell to?

TACOMA,WA. Where do I turn in money for the Norwest Rams Cheer?

HELP? I'm 13 and I'm doing Norwest Rams cheer at Wilson High and I need to know where to turn in the money?!

Do you agree with Sam Smith's top 25 players in each position...?

You can argue that Wade is better than Kobe and that Marc Gasol is better than Nene, but, for the most part, it's accurate.

Are ADD meds really that bad for you?

I think I have ADD but my parents wont get me meds because it's bad for you. I took one of my friend's pills one time and I could focus way more and it felt like my head was clear and I had no anxiety. I also believe I have social anxiety and because of that I always tend to think too much, so maby that is why I can't seem to listen or concentrate. Are social anxiety meds just as bad for you as ADD meds? My parents say it's all bad for you but my outlook on the situation is everybody is going to die sooner or later so why should I live my life in misery (without pills) just so I can have a prolonged life of misery?

Im over a fever but.... HELP! :O?

Okay, so right now im over a fever, i dont know, it wasnt really a high fever, just up to 39C . I dont have a fever today, no more, i guess cause i have been drinking so much water. But right now my eyes cant focus on anything, I think it might be because im dizzy ? I dont know, because yesterday night while i was having a fever, my eyes hurt, around my eyes hurt too, and i was having a BAD headache, right now i still do , but not as much, just a little. But what is wrong with my eyes ? and my mom wanted me to take some medicine which i dont want to , its not Tylenol or anything that i known off so i dont want to take it , and i only know its hard medicine, so it will make my fever goes away, but the problem is i dont have a fever anymore. should i take it ? :/ BTW the medicine was from a doctor in Vietnam , which i dont really trust them :O. (im visiting my family) and i dont even know what kind it is. just some coloured pills ? ?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where can I buy a genuine disc brake for my Honda civic.?

You can get the disks polished by a good turner, and there will be so many in and around Banglore. Rs. 3600/- is too much they ask for a pair. Check with other local dealers as well. The company service centers amy overcharge and they won't sell you the parts that you can take to other mechanics.

Are my friend and I just growing apart?

I don't think it's you. She's just finally growing up. She wants to get her life started. Don't take offense.

What would push someone to work in cusotmer services when they hate people?

I so can relate! At my son's old doctor's office, the office manager was that way! SHE is the reason I left. She was a total b**ch! I'm not sure what would make them deal with people if they hate is the only thing I can think of.

What site should i go to, to get help with my math?

i need help with my math what site should i got for help im goin to the wilson tech school in dix hills im goin for my high school diploma in i want to get this doe in over with in math is just not my thing in other subjects

How do you ask out a girl who's out of your league?

There's this woman I've been seeing around alot and she's gorgeous and I'm well above average so I figure I got nothing to lose. I know you don't compliment a beautiful woman on her looks cause she knows how good she looks and gets told all the tine buy guys that are much better looking than me so I'm not gonna score any points for that so how would I go about it and what are some things I should focus on

Listen to my mp3-player during soccer practice(alone)?

Hi, I just wonder if it is wise to listen to musc when I practice alone with the wall, or should I be totally focused then too?

What can i do in Washington D.C east for 4 months ???!!!!?

I am wilson i am 16 years old, my parents are going to Washington D.C. east and they told me to go with them for 4 months and we are renting a house there near the university, help me what can i do there, basketball & soccer fields adventure land , working there ................ ???????????????????????

Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Wilson's Fourteen Points were the basis for his belief of what the peace should look like. Discuss how the Treaty of Versailles conforms to that belief or doesn't. Then explain what occurred in the United States after the war in regard to the Treaty and detail the reasons why.

How is James Harden the best role player in the NBA?

I watched every Thunder game last year and the guy is not the best role player in the NBA. What is that Rudy guy talking about. Lamar is when focused

Am I wrong in thinking this is rude?

I sent a private message to a co worker through FB enquiring of her health last Friday night because she complained of feeling ill that same day and left early. We aren't that close, but we have spoken occasionally. Was I wrong for contacting her and she has a right to not reply to my message, or was she just plain rude in not responding?

Frequent headaches - can anyone help?

There is certainly some type of 'wind up' in the nerves and possible blood vessels that supply that side of his face and head. This can come about from a lot of different things, but common offenders are food allergies, immune imbalances, yeast, mold, parasites and such. A 'wind up' in the nervous system can come about through repeated exposure to a stressor. Fortunately, this can be reversed if his particular pattern can be evaluated properly. You may be able to control the symptoms somewhat and reduce the pain, but to actually eliminate it for good, you will need to take a neurological and metabolic (internal function) approach. Otherwise, you are just masking the problem with drugs.

Is there anything wrong with the grammar in this letter...?

further to the letter i recieved enquiring that whether i will accept or decline the place offered to me by your school.I am writing to inform you that i have already accepted a place offer elsewhere next year.Therefore i would like to thank you but i will not be accepting your offer.

How can i overcome my eating disorder?

i'm sick of lying to those around me and myself. for the last few years my focus has been onlosing weigh,dieting and later binging, gaining the weight back and trying to lose it again. i can't help feeling disgust and hate towards myself at any weight,even when i get complimented for looking thinner or healthier. at 18 years old i have no real close friends as i tend to isolate myself and afraid of people getting too close. my mum knows something is wrong as she sees my unhealthy eating patterns and weight changes. she has tried to help but i push her away. i was anorexic for a few years in my childhood and relapsed a few months ago, getting down to 90 pounds but i've been binging uncontrollably and have gone up to over 100 pounds. i dont know what to do anymore! so sick of this life that is not a life...

What string tension should i use?

I am buying a Wilson BLX pro tour, I'm 13 years old and varies in positions on the court but mostly I'm a baseline hitter. thank you please give me a range

Tennis rackets:babolat or Wilson?

I'm looking for a racket for between �50-�100. I play every week and was wondering what brand is better. Thanks :)

Are more skeletons falling from DMK cup board? CBI report about Rs 440 crores loss to BSNL in 2007 is..?

Now the scamps are coming in front. It is ridiculous to see so many ministers in the government from one family. It is the demand of Telecom Ministry to be retained with the vested persons. The amount of money is enormous. A political Leader who is at the service of the people of the country is using his position to siphon money in cores for family and Party. Is it the criteria of a patriotic leader? The current trend of exposure will find out the secret evils by the grace of the Lord of justice. Let the political leaches be wiped out from public life and let the politics become the service of ideals and not the evils when India will be a nation of Saints and not of thieves.

High handicap golf irons?

I've got a handicap of 28 and am looking to buy some quite forgiving golf irons for less than �250, im currently looking at the nike slingshot irons or the wilson Di9 irons, what do you think of these or do you have an alternative suggestion?

I got HI visa from us i was staying in us ...i came to inida for stamping in nov-10?

till today may -11 i have not got visa stamped . i m not able to understad they dealy ..have enquired 2 times but not able to get proper responce ..not able to understand why dealy as US has already give visa and hee in india just need to be stamped ..are there any policy changes i m stuck in inda has anybody got any news for the dealy plz mail me

Claiming Youth Allowance ?

ive sent in a claim to get youth allowance and they sent me some forms to fill out including a tax file number form and parental tax year details stuff. I remember requesting a form that is titled "authorising a person or organization to enquire or act on your behalf" I remember this had something to do with who would receive the payments directly, me or my mum, but I can't work out how I can get the centerline payments to be directly put into my bank account. can someone please tell me how I can do it?

New room, need "cool" things on walls. 10 pts?

I need ideas, websites. I am a strong christian if that helps, but I don't just need to focus on that either. I don't really want movie posters.. But ideas, idea, links... I will pick best answer, easy 10 pts

How can I mount a 5 foot Fiberglass CB Antenna?

How can I mount a 5 foot Wilson "Silver Load" FGT CB Antenna? All the hood mounts I've found say they're recommend for antennas up to 4 feet. So where can I get something that can handle a 5 foot antenna? I'd really like to use a hood mount, just for the ease of it but my vehicle is a 2003 Ford Ranger; in case anyone knows something that will undoubtedly work. I'd rather not drill or use a magnetic mount so if there's a mount out there that holds a 5 foot antenna but attaches somewhere else, that's fine. Please help me find it! Thank you in advance.

Can somebody send me a link to purchase a replacement LCD screen for my samsung focus, without the digitizer?

all i can find is the combo crap, and only my inner lcd screen is broken, not the digitizer. any help would be great!

Ladies please, Did she mean what she said?

Ladies, please help me with this, I’ve been texting this girl that I really like, yesterday when texting her, I told her that “its always nice texting her but I will have to minimize the number of text that I send her” then she replied with “why” and I replied “I will explain later”. Today, she texted me asking what I meant by minimizing the number of text that I send her and I started playing around with her, after a while I told her that I have to go and she replied with this text “cool am no longer responding to anymore texts from u…this will be the last reply u get from Brittany Wilson goodbye lol” my question is this, this this girl really mean what she sent? Or was she just playing and could it also be a sign that she likes me? How can I also go about approaching the situation. Ladies please. Thanks

Would writing for a magazine be good?

I want to be a teen journalist so I have enquired to one of my favourite magazines-Shout, to ask them whether I could write something for them like a teenage page. I was wondering if they say yes then would this be a good thing to start with.

Mental health when you have children, can social services force you to have a psychiatric nurse you don't need?

I'm really getting infuriated about this, I have been made to see social services for the children, they are keeping my case open (hopefully only until next review within the week) to keep tabs on me seeing a mental health care team, I'm pregnant and have two children but since being finally taken off medication ALL psychosis has ceased and with that depression faded to nothing. I enquired as to how long I would be expected to stay "working" with the mental health team because both teams are unnecessary (social services say I'm a great mum and the kids are well looked after) the reply I got was that if I choose not to see the nurse, she will inform social services who will open a case again/ keep this one open if I stop before the meeting) I don't see how they have a right to do this? I feel trapped and angered and it is causing me stress to the point where I feel physically sick, people just say "prove to them you are fine, play ball" but I'm sick of it, nobody has to prove they don't have cancer every week etc and the reports all say I'm fine anyway. Does this mean fine, happy, stable and medication free is not good enough?

Can pomeranians have kind of bent ears?

I was watching White Chicks last night and I noticed the Wilson sisters had this really cute dog that looked like a pomeranian, but it's ears had a slight bend. Not like sagging ears like a spaniel. It was just the tips. So do pomeranians sometimes have a little bend in their ear? If not, does anyone know what kind of dog (that looks like a pomeranian) does have those ears?

The question I would ask Jose in the Anthony Trial...?

It all doesn't make any sense. If george was holding her dead body, explain what happened in the time frame between the incident and the woods!

Will a Wilson A2k fit a 13 year Old?

Yes, that glove should be fine for you if you play competitively a lot of the year. It should be pretty useful. The Wilson A2K series is a great mitt and I own one that's a KP92 and have had it since 2009. It's a great series and you should be fine with it.

How do I say this properly...?

The results are out but mine is not included, and the person I asked said I would have to wait, although there is no point in waiting since the results will not be updated.

Help and tips to get into private school please! URGENT!?

hi, at the moment i go to a public school and i am (not wanting to blow my own trumpet or anything) quite clever. i really want to go to a private school, for a better enviroment, for better teaching, to have another go at making friends and hopefully to find people like me! (please dont critisize my reasons) but there are a few problems standing in my way. firstly, we have already tried applying for a private school 2 years ago, and it didnt work out. i think my parents hav a teryotypical view on all prvate schools, they just say, oh we tried that again. but I want to try again and look to the future, also, the money is a big problem. i try to tell them that scholarships are on offer but they just say that they will all be gone by now, and they wont even enquire. they dont earn loads, but they're not poor. i just aspire to go to one of these schools. i really do. but i know that it will be stretching to place me in one, i have already offered all of my pocket money and extra-curricular activities money. please help :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Boy trouble, please help?

First i know you had a relationship and all but to me when I read this he sounded like he is kind of a player. Trust me you can find way better people than him. He sounds like hes very confused and you should probaly tell him its over and lets stay friends please!

Who is Pen Wilson of Cold Blooded Murderer?

I'm looking for the biography of Pen Wilson but all I find are random people with Wilson in their names with Pen names. I'm looking for the Pen Wilson who wrote the dramatic monologue Cold Blooded Murderer. It's for my dramatic monologue piece for school.

WTF is Obama doing with all this worthless news!?!!?

No you and every faithful follower of faux "news" feels this way. Of course every time the President tries to create jobs the conservative element starts shouting "Socialism" and claiming such actions is the same as Nazi Germany. The President recently hugged a crying baby and it stopped. Too bad he can't give the conservative element a big hug.

Imperialism and Nationalism in WWI?

Describe the roles played by imperialism and nationalism in precipitating the Great War [World War I] and explain why the Great War assumed its specific character on the Western Front. Then, address what President Woodrow Wilson hoped to achieve respecting the fate of captive peoples when he promulgated his 14 Points and worked to achieve a League of Nations, and then assess how the resulting compromises, and especially the division of former German and Ottoman territories among several of the Great War victors as "mandated" territories figured in shaping Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific between 1919 and 1945 [Treaty of Versailles to the end of the Pacific War]. Finally, how did World War I impact Russia?

GUYS!!! HELP ME!!!!! Please read and tell me if he likes me???!?

The fact that you have to initiate the conversations and he ignores you when he's with your friends. You guys are aquaintences. Move on to someone else worth your time.

Can i live in Uk? if iam sepaated with my partner?

Get her a divorce paper from your end, case finished. You are eligible get settled in uk maybe. Talk to a lawyer about settlement process in uk. Who cares your wife parents, shut them up, who they are to hamper your movements in coming or leaving europe. Get your wife divorce paper or make her to divorce you if she don't wan't to carry relationship with you son.. Ok?

Do I have inattention ADD ? Im not quite sure?

First of all, you keep saying, "attention ADD". You are basically saying, "attention attention deficit disorder". Second, you sound like one of those people who freaks out over every disease they show one symptom of. Don't worry about it. Everyone your age shows those symptoms, including me, and I'm 16.

I'm really confused about uni... :S?

Well... it's kind of a long story, but i will try and sum it up as much as I can... u see, I've always wanted to do medicine ever since I was little, I've wanted to help people and have always had that image in the back of my head, however, when it came to the time of choosing which subject to take into sixth form, I was completely confused about which subject to choose, this was mainly because of the meeting I had, had with my careers adviser, she had completely tried to put me off the subject of taking medicine, telling me it will be difficult etc, but I already know that, even so, she told me, it was best not to choose the subject because she felt that my grades were not going to be suffiicent enough as I was doing foundation science, english and maths, which by the way I have no idea why the teachers put me in these courses I was more than capable of getting a B atleaste in English, but anyways, as a result, I got confused into which sub to choose, my mum and most my family, have always wanted me to go into animation and media, and my dad wanted me to do business from a young age, now I no, it's meant to be my own decision, but at this point i'm just soo... confused :s. So I decided to talk to a teacher, my science teacher, she had said it would be ok to do Science A-Level, even if i'm studying foundation, i begged her to put me in higher, but at the last day i was put in foundation, after studying biology higher... so on the day before half term, I filled put my application and was ready to hand it in for Science, but I don't no something inside me was stopping me from doing it, so i held on to it until after half term, after the holidays, I still hadn't decided my final subject, on the deadline of the application being submitted, I decided to choose Business and Media S with ICT, on results day i got my C's and enrolled, it had been a good couple of years with the subjects, but there was always this nagging in the back of my head, and when it came for time of applying to uni for a course, I was soooo stressed with ICT coursework that I just thought it would make sense to apply to a couple of unis with Business and Management, not nowing all these things about having the ability to choose different courses to apply to uni, I had no support at the time and was very confused, therefore, after making the choice and 5-6 months later, I started feeling as if maybe I had a chance of rejoining Science, thats when I found that Westminister, (my secure choice) offers a course on lots of Science related subjects, WITH FOUNDATION!!! (Blessing in disguise??? Maybe...) so I contacted Westminister to ask if it is possible to switch, ONLY TO ENQUIRE!!! I was then contacted back later that my course has now been changed... so I should be happy right??? Well, I dunno anymore... my mum then spoke to me after I was in tears a whole night about my whole situation... she explained that it would mainlly be best for me to choose Business as I have done the two year course... however, after speaking to my friend's sister, who also goes Westminister, she said that, maybe it would be best to do the foundation year giving me a year to decide on the course itself... but there are some issues with this... if I decided to choose medicen as my path, what would this mean about the amount of years it would take to complete the course? Wouldn't it be the same as completing a Business and Management course which then leads to post graduation? Say if I wanna become a GP/FP which I always have... or a specialist route such as Dietrician... what would this all mean to me?? As you can see, i'm in a really confusing situation, if anyone can help seriously!!! Thank U soooooooooooooooo much, there are no words in the world, which would tell you how gratefull i'd be, also as this is my first post and an important one, i'll really appriciate it if you would only give me SERIOUS ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!! Please, and thank you once again!!! :)

I am pretty sure she likes me but what does she want? if anything...?

It doesn't really sound like she's that into you. I think you're reading into this what you want to see. Sorry.

Coaching change for Maple Leafs?

Like Burke said himself, they got stale behind the bench with Acton and Hunter those 2 have survived numerous head coaching changes, it was time to move them out of there, Cronin and Gordon both have experience in working with young teams ( which the Leafs are) They will help improve the pp and pk and the players will hear new voices behind the bench, Gordon has worked with Wilson on team USA at the olympics and other IIHF tournaments. I think we will see a change in the special teams come next season, and after some acquisitions with off season whether it be Free Agency or Trade to fill the Leafs centre position void, the Leafs will make the playoffs next season, im predicting they will make 8th seed but get beaten in the first round, the next year they will push further, successfully returning playoff hockey to Toronto. One thing that many people forget ( especially haters) is that when Burke got here in 2008 the Leafs had ZERO prospects in the system worth anything, now there`s Kadri, Colborne, Gardiner, Frattin, an amazing selection at drafting Luke Schenn, its only been 3 years and look at what he`s done completely overhauled the team, imagine in another 2 years when 5 years rolls around, the Leafs are heading in the right direction for once.

Best All Girl Rock Band?

Fanny were pretty good , They were probably the first real Female Rock Band That really rocked.I seem to remember they had Suzi Quatro's sister as a member.(I think her name was Paddy) there First Three Albums were:Fanny, Charity Ball and Fanny Hill. Followed up by Mothers Pride & Rock & Roll Survivors .Charity Ball was there biggest hit I had it on a Single.

Which of these sounds like a better horror story?

I like the first one more. The second is not bad (could the killer have known the mother?) but the first one seems more interesting.

Am i bipolar. and if i dont get treated will things get worse?

You may be Bi-polar or ADHD. Or both. Don't worry about the testing. Billions of people have it. It also may be just hormones if you're a teen. Just accept it.

Where can I get a really beautiful ruby necklace for less than a $100 ?

I need a few places if you could list them please and let it be located in North Carolina ( Raleigh-Wilson)

Preparing to run a 10k, should I continue jogging or do leg exercises instead?

I have a 10k coming up soon and was curious which I should focus more on now. I've been jogging a fair bit the past few months, but there is room for improvement. Meanwhile, I haven't done much leg exercises. If I should do more leg exercises, which ones are most beneficial towards running long distances? Thanks!

Have you experienced the NHS cuts?

I had a hospital appointment yesterday, and as I have a dodgy knee and ankle at the moment I qualified for hospital transport. I was picked up at 2.30. When the appointment was over I went to the tranport waiting room, it was 5pm. In there there were already about 25 people. There were two green uniformed nurses sitting at a desk glaring at the patients. The drink machine said 50p, I had left my purse at home, At 6pm I asked how long he thought before I was picked up. He said very soon. I asked the woman next to me how long she had waited, she had been waiting since 3pm, it was now 6pm.Most of the people waiting were very old, some others were in wheelchairs. At 7pm, I enquired if I could have some water, the green uniform then asked if I wanted some tea, I said I didnt have any money, she said it was free!!! At 7.30 I asked if she had a biiscuit (I was diabetic, should have eaten at 5) she then produces a tin of those 3 packed biscuits and offers them to everyone. Next she asked if I wanted a sandwhich, then asked everyone else. Next she broughtout the yogurts, then some juice. So why did it take me to have to beg for some water before the green uniforms got off their butts and offrered round what they were obviously being paid for? The old people were clearly very hungry as they scoffed their sarnie and biscuits.At 8pm we were all still sitting there, and the receptionist had to phone an off duty manager to give a budget code so he could phone a taxi for all 20 of us so we could get home! How much has that cost them, a taxi for 20 individual people, each living north,south east and west london, and 2 in Hertfordhsire. Madness I tell you.

Are University fees for a paramedic course still required or are they covered by the NHS?

I am hoping to apply for a Paramedic Diploma at either John Moores University in Liverpool or UCLAN (University of Central Lancashire) and I have enquired about the finance involved in my course, yet I don't have a full understanding of whether or not the NHS are responsible for the funding of this course. Any information would be greatly appreciated! :)

My coworker/friend raised her voice at me in front of other office staff. What should I do?

I work at a school where I used to take classes. I've working there for 6 years now. My co-worker has been working there for about 4 1/2 years. At the beginning we just had a relationship as coworkers then after a year we became good friends. A lot of things have happened since we started working there. She married, I continued with school, she got divorced; she got a promotion to a full time position. Since she got divorced her attitude with most people has been very rude. Last week about four people were in the office enquiring for a form that has to be filled out by either her, our supervisor or me. It’s a procedure that easily one person can do. There's no need for us to be there all together. She is the kind of person that likes to assist even with the little projects. I'm the kind of person that lets one do the project if I know it can be handled by one person, if not, I assist. Well, that day, she was filling that form and turned her head at me (I was like 20 feet away) and said in front of everyone in the office "can't you help me give this form, can't you see that there is people here" At that moment I said "My God" and she responded "I'm sorry to bother you, I didn't know you didn't work here”. Next day she asked in a very bad way if I was mad at her and I said a little. She responded by saying that she will not be looking for me to talk to her. That got me very angry and told her that I didn't appreciated what she did that day, and that next time she has to tell me something to do it in private, that I didn't like to give a show in front of everybody. Since then we don't talk like before. Our relationship is purely professional now. Should I make peace with her or just keep it professional?

Should he die or still be alive?

Perfect compromise: Have him critically injured in a drug related accident, or permanently mentally disabled by crack use. That way, he stays alive for Clover to be miserable about, but he still gets to guilt his parents forever just by existing! Your goal IS sadism, right?

What does it mean when a guy says "not right now" in regards to a relationship?

A couple years ago, a guy I worked with was broken up from his gf and my relationship was on the rocks. We ended up hooking up a couple times and were really good friends. He wanted me to leave my bf and even offered me a place to stay for a little while, if I did in fact leave. I broke things off bc I felt horrible about cheating(even though I was being cheated on as well and told me he was still in love with his ex!!).I no longer work at that job and decided it was best that we not talk so that we could both work on our relationships. The guy I was hooking up with ended up getting back together with his ex. I heard recently that he is single again as am I. I sent him a FB friend request and asked if we could be friends again and his response was that he needed to focus on himself right now and it was nothing personal, but he felt it was best for now that things remain how they have been. I don't want to be that girl that just doesn't get the picture, but does this mean he needs some time to himself like he said? Or is there never really going to be another chance for him and I?

What other actors/celebrities has Asian wives?

Owen wilson just had a half asian child, and so did Nicholas cage, Kevin james from grownups /king of queens also has a asian wife with a baby :) i think they came out so cute I'm 3/4 asian myself, just a question, don't try to hate! :|

How to stop being jealous of other women?

First of your married so you don't look all that bad. And second why are you comparing yourself to an older woman. She might be smokin' hot for her age but i can guarantee that you look better. What what really makes her look sexier then you is her confidence in herself. If you can feel confident in yourself then you will be way hotter then your mother in law.

Enquiry about protein powder's effects.?

Hi.I'm here to enquire about protein powder. Erm I am a 16 years old teen , is it appropriate for me to consume protein powder? I had hitting the gym for 6 months and plus , there is some muscle gain for me but slightly noticeable. So I would like to consume protein powder, will it help me to gain muscle? I go to the gym 3 days per week. and I'm Asian , and I would like to know which protein powder is the best, i mean less negative effects and effective for muscle building for teens, regardless the price. thanks.

Altered..Advice needed please help me lupus wife?

If you love your wife, be with her and comfort her - she's probably finding this 10 times as hard as you are. You can always adopt if you have more trouble conceiving. Point is, she's your wife, you [should] love her enough to overcome this.

My husband treats me so badly l have tried all that l can is it time to give up?

hi everyone, this is my story- l have been married to a once wonderful man for over ten years and l have two babies with him. We shared and experienced a wonderful few years together and then we had a rough year but survived it but then sadly the last year and a half has been the most painful and worst year of my life. l dont recognise him anymore and despite all my efforts to communicate with him , help him and love him he shuts me out of his life and treats me appallingly. He has abandoned me during my pregnancies, socialises independent of me , vacations with other people , verbally and mentally abuses me all the time , judging me and mocking me all the time, quick to criticise and always leaves me to bear the responsibility of our children and finances whilst he spends his money pursuing his destructive interests. He has friends l know nothing of and am not allowed to meet , he goes out with other women and disappears for days and weeks not contacting me and telling me its none of my business if l enquire about his whereabouts, he has not supported me with the children and argues that we need to spend as little time as possible together, he continually messes and enjoys messing with my feelings and head and one day wants to leave me and other days is talking about a future together . the only times when he is decent towards me is when he needs my help in anyway and l obligingly and happily always give it to him and yet he is never there for me or the children. l am exhausted from never knowing where l stand with him. l would walk away but we live in my home and so l cant leave . l am well educated and financially independent of him, yet l cant bear to have him leave me , he has destroyed us and our relationship and yet he places the blame on me. He doesnt want to talk and if l try to talk to him he mocks me and pulls funny faces hurting me delibrately with nasty comments,.l feel as if l am hurtling fast towards depression and for some inexplicable reason dont have the courage to ask him to leave as l cant accept that this is how things have ended between us, everything seems surreal but this outrageously unfair treatment cant continue and l have even seriously contemplated and made a failed attempt at taking my own life as it would be easier for him to be happy and have the children then for us to continue this way. l dont know why l feel as if l cant live without him because l know that he is not good for me or our babies. all l ever wanted was a peaceful , happy life and l couldnt have got further from it and l cant believe that this is happening and has happened to us. Does anyone have any ideas what more l could try before l finally have to face reality and take charge before he destroys me?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Will a student loan cover the costs of an apartment, books, and tuition?

I've got enough saved from years because I'm a late student. I'm only half into my second year & nearly 30. Anyway, I should be able to handle tuition the rest of this year and next year. Next year's college is going to be $1,000 a class. Dorm rooms are $600/$700 a month. So considering that much money for a confined space, I'd rather have an apartment at the same price. But being nearly 30, I get a lot of crap about being part of the boomerang generation. I don't want to have to hold down two jobs to get an apartment again. Just one part time job, I figure for food- gas- and utilities. And I don't have collateral either. My focus is Forensic Science, Bachelors of Science, so I believe that may pay pretty well when I find a related job in that field. I could probably pay it all back eventually.

Plzzzzzz help me or advise me ..!!!!!!!?

hey friends i got admission in lady shri ram college but my dream was to wear a white coat and stethescope but wen i enquired about the doctor profession all docs said it is risky profession..evn if 1 operation goes wrong they will put a case on the conserned docs...i am intested in earning a loot of money but in tis profession it takes 10yrs 2 finish study!!!!n then acording 2 our experience we get salary i am not intreasted in servise only in money so wen my parents asked me 2 choose between lsr n medicine i choose lsr(B.A HISTORY hons) now plz advise me did i take a right desion

What is the Wilson BLX Surge strung with, new?

I'm going to buy the Wilson BLX Surge ( and I want to know what it's strung with when I first buy it. I'm guessing it's synthetic gut, but I dunno. Help please?

Very forgetful off antidepressants?

Ever since I stopped antidepressants a few months ago, I have been getting more and more forgetful about things. I forget where I'm going when I'm driving, I forget if I have money and how much, I forget to eat, and I work at a stable part time, and yesterday I forgot to turn off the hose and made a small Nile river in the barn area, I forget to turn off lights, close gates, etc which gets me in trouble too. I forget to FOCUS. I drift off into lala land ALL the time, and forget what I'm doing, why I went into a room, etc. It's so bad that when I am switching radio stations, I switch usually only once before I go into lala land and then wonder why I'm annoyed at what I'm listening to. This daydreaming this really frustrating and the forgetfulness is getting to the point where people are getting annoyed with me it feels like. I mean, I was on antidepressants for ten years. Is this some sort of brain damage caused by them? Do I have ADD and not realize it? Did the antidepressants cover that up? I didn't have ADD as a teenager. Anyways, I am also dealing with a lot of things like learning who I am off of the medicine. I was in therapy for 6 years while on the med learning to overcome social anxiety and now that I'm off the medicine I feel like I have to relearn all my therapy because things are new again. I have been trying to ward off depression by taking 5htp and st. johns wort. It works some. I have also been using my therapy skills. I cry sometimes at night, though not every night. My anxiety is worse in situations I would have remained calm in if I was on medicine. Like, this morning when I was at my boyfriend's house getting ready for work and realized I forgot my pants. I live 45 mins away so I got realllyyy upset. I got mad at my bf (I don't know why) and myself and stopped talking. He said it would be best if I just laughed the situation off, called work and told them I would be late, and went home to get pants. But I just shut down and when he walked me out to the car, I was still acting mad and I apologized, bust into tears and cried all the way home, where I called work, told them I was sick and can't come in. I mean Jeez, where IS my head? Then I slept until 3 pm bc I'm so emotionally exhausted and I couldn't think anymore. I am not getting back on antidepressants unless God holds a sign in front of me that clearly says: FAIL. I want to try to live off of medicine bc it made me someone I was not, I didn't care about anything, and had all sorts of crappy side effects even on a low dose. Someone help me with my questions, please? I don't have money to go to my therapist and I miss her. I've been very tearful lately, which I read sometimes happens when you are learning to live off antidepressants. I feel like everything is building up and I need to talk, but I can't. I just know the next time I actually can afford to go to therapy, I won't know how to consolidate everything into only an hour, and I'll probably just cry and won't even know where to start. Help, thanks...

How is the life of a stay-at-home mom different from the life of a housewife with children?

Same meaning, different connotation. An SAHM is a more modern word ,that's all. Our duties are very similar, we just have modern conveniences, modern social standing and generally have more access to leaving the home when we want/need to.

Which is a better NBA lineup?

Deron Williams, Tony Allen (Role Player), Wilson Chandler, Carlos Boozer, Joakim Noah. My bench is stacked for both teams. My second team is Brendan Jennings, Thabo Selfolosha (Role Player), Damion James, Blake Griffin, Dwight Howard. Which team is better?

Is my neighbour being threatening towards me?

Sounds like you're afraid that he is going to physically attack you, but don't worry I doubt he'll go that far. People harass each other all the time but it's rare that they attack, especially when the argument is with a girl since most non-third world country cultures are against hitting women. I suggest you try to resolve it instead of "talking back" to him so to speak because that will just make it worse. I'm only assuming of course, I apologize if I was wrong.

Advice Please...My son struggles with and HATES reading?

He probably hates it because he struggles with it.. Once he gets the hang of it, he will read much more. Try teaching him yourself which will make it less awkward and he will feel comfortable, say that after an period of time you can watch a DVD, have a treat or do what ever he likes to do as a reward to make him more enthusiastic.. Remember to always encourage him and says he's doing great x

Rough Draft Help Needed! Thanks So Much For Helping Me!?

This is probably not very helpful but my curiosity got the better of me. What is this for? The first two are in there but there is not any mention of a dog at all and the last one is also not there.

What did Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom called for?

I'm not sure I follow that New Freedom, but the did he to bring about the League of Nations, but the Congress wouldn't go along with him*************************************…

Skype app on iPhone video chatting for free?

yes, it is free. It is not free though if ou call a land line, calling other skype people on skype with video is free. :D

How safe it is to provide your number online for education enquiries, etc.?

I am really concerned because I just entered my phone nubmer while enquiring for University of Phoenix Education programs and now they have my number. Do you think they will have my number on their records forever now? I spoke to two Admissions guys and both of them were really rude. So I decided to not enroll into that University for the better. But now I am concerned about them having my nubmer and mailing address. Is there anyway I can do something so that they don't have my information anymore and don't mail me stuff?

Okay, what is this bug that i found?

i live in North Carolina. i am located on the coast, like 30 minutes or so from the state port. i was outside exploring yesterday and i found this weird bug on my foot, i do not know where it came from or how it got there but i have never seen one before. it kind of looked like a spider without its head. it is black and looks to me it has about 6 legs on it side, i do not see eyes or a head. can anyone identify this thing for me and tell me what it is? i have a picture, i don't think it is a good picture, a bit out of focus because i took it with my p.o.s cell phone. if you are willing to take a look at the picture, email me at

Do Wilson tennis racquets use natural gut strings?

Or would it be best to go to a high standard sports chain that specialised in Tennis products to look for a tennis racquet with natural gut strings?

Help with ex boyfriend!!?

I met his at the rollordrome and I fell for him. We made out and all that crap. He said he loved me until we stopped texting. For no reason. Now I may see him this Friday or not then I'll see him in the fall in school and was wondering what I should say to him. He's a good kisser has good looks and I really do like him. Now only answer how you would handle this situation if it was you. Not no good up to him say hi and smile crap please. Maybe flirting or trying to make him jealous and dirty dancing to the loud music? Btw I'm 12 and am mature. So don't say I'm too young and focus on your studies. I do so please answer my question. If your nice enough I'll give you 10 points

Is Wilson's Ant Out safe for pets(small dogs basically)?

It contains 90%Silicon Dioxide(Diatomaceous Earth), an attractant, and a digestant. I've read everywhere that Diatomaceous Earth is completely safe, but the store clerk at Rona, said it isn't safe for pets, and that its extremely poisonous. Plus, it doesn't say pet safe anywhere on the bottle. It even says that once finished, do not reuse the bottle and throw it away immediately after its been used up. If any of you know this product(not just DE), please give me some feed back, thank you.

Tips on getting confidence to even apply for a job I see advertised?

I have anxiety and when I see a notice about a job in the window I get really nervous and say oh I'll enquire tomorrow.. And also the kind of job it is puts me off, like I don't think I'd ever be able to do waitressing I'll probably sweat buckets. Any advice?

Algebra word problem help!?

Professor Wilson can grade a set of multiple choice exams in 60 minutes. Her assistant,April,can do the same job in 40 minutes. How long would it take them working together to grade a set of exams?

Can someone write me a cycling training schedule that will make me go to the TDF?

Im 16 years old, quite fit, currently riding on the road/mtb/windtrainer about 5 times per week. I'm Elliot, I want to race in the Tour De France. I am dedicated, and will ride whatever is required of me. I hope to build up my cycling strength until I am ready to compete in the TourDeFrance. I have been riding a fair bit... I came 3rd at the New Zealand Triathlon Nationals, but have cut back on my training, and now I want to focus solely on riding. I am starting to ride about 4-5 times per week. I need someone to help me stay on track, give me a training schedule, and I'll go far. This is my goal, and I'll strive for it.

I need some help with my conics/parabola math questions! Can ANYONE help!!?

I'm sure people would like to help you, but they probably don't want to do your homework for you. (In other words, give TRY first and provide what you THINK are answers.)

What is wrong with my eyes?

Lately I've been having eye redness (very red) with swelling. I have always had sensitivity to light, but it is worse now. It hurts to focus vision sometimes and eye movement feels like I've been punched. Went to doc's office about 3 weeks ago. She gave me antibiotics and prescribed Azelastine HCI ophthalmic solution. Finished antibiotics and used the solution as prescribed. Symptoms went away for about a week. I also take zyrtec for allergies. I do not wear contacts or glasses. I checked my vision 6 months ago and it was 20/20. Now what?

Why is my love not being accepted ?? ..?

I am in luv wid dis guy .. v r frm diffrnt religious bckgrounds .. 2 add to d misery, he is junior 2 me in mah office, his dad is junior in rank 2 tat of mah parent in d same organisation, evn his academic quali is less den tat of me (as per mah parents) .. now i hv fallen head ovr heelz in luv wid d guy in question wid my parentz nt ready 2 accpt d same .. d seetipie is wrkin hard 2 ovrcome d trivial diff btwn us by takin up a course 2 match my qualis n by lukin for betta job oopz evn wid me being ok wid dese diffz .. his is an orthodox family who wld wnt 2 me convert as per deir beliefz n practises .. m ohk wid tat too evn though i blv tat 1 shld b free 2 choose his/her religion, profession n lyf partner .. now my parentz keep a strict chk on me n r lukin for a match for me .. my luv undrstndz dat my family wil nt accpt him n is ready 2 abide by deir wishes n wnts me 2 accpt mh families decision no mattr wat it is .. he luvs me lot .. takez care of me frm mornin 2 nyt .. wakes me up my sleep .. chks wdr i hv mealz on proper tym or nt .. constantly enquires abt mah families welbeing .. guides me thru probs .. luvs me d way i m .. has accptd me wid my flaws intct .. makes sure m off 2 bed safe n sound bfr he goes off 2 sleep .. i luv him .. wil b lost widout him by mah side .. hw 2 make mah parents see him d way i see him .. a luvin carin undrstndin person .. he is evrythn a girl dreamz of .. he is evrythn i evr wntd .. he is d best thing 2 hv happnd 2 me .. i luv him .. he refuses 2 touch me bfr v get married .. n if v dunn he promises 2 b by mah side thru thick n thin .. wat f d guy i eventually get married 2 telz me 2 severe al ties wid him ?? i dream of a family wid my luv .. i wnt his children .. i wnt a lyf wid him .. if nt he den no1 else .. m in mess .. he doesnt allow me fight wid my parents .. tels me nt 2 evn try n convince dem sinc dey hv already refused him .. he onli wnts 2 see my family happy 1st .. he blvs v owe our lyfz 2 our familiez .. so goin against deir wishes is a crime .. i luv him dearly .. help me pls .. hw do i convince mah parentz 2 see him as d perfect guy for me .. he is mah knight in shinin armour .. d luv i hv been searchin throut mah lyf .. help me .. ne suggestion is a welcome one .. i dunn wnt 2 lose him .. i luv him dearly .. pls frndz .. help me ..

Dixons online has given me very poor service. How can I make this known to other potential customers?

I placed an order for a hob on 22nd May and received an email stating my order was being processed. On 27th May I telephoned to enquire about progress and was told the item would be in stock on 3rd June. On 4th June I telephoned and was told the item would be in stock on 17th June. I cancelled the order and was able to get next day delivery from a competitor.

Why do i hate people so much ?

I don't think there's anything wrong with you. Unless there's something wrong with me too. People are terrible.

Does anyone know where I can obtain or see the movie " Beauty" by Susan Wilson. It has Hal Holbrook in it?

This is a movie about an artist who is contracted to paint a man who has a disfigurement disease. They fall in love.

Lgbt; how to forget about wanting to be in a relationship?

I feel okay with being single, but sometimes feel like being in a relationship, how do you forget about this? I try to make myself busy but I feel like I want a companion? What's the best way to just keep focused?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Beginner needing help on which Golf Clubs to purchase.?

the easy way to find what clubs you like is to go to a pro shop and try the different clubs that they have to try. As far as recommendations, I use Callaway driver and Woods , my irons are Tommy Armour. I have Graphite shafts and Senior flex, so you can get all kinds of opions but yours is the only one that counts ! So do yourself a favor and go try the clubs yourself ! Good luck !

In "The Great Gatsby," when does Wilson die?

And does he shoot Gatsby before or after he shoots himself? "The Great Gatsby" is by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

If Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, or Woodrow Wilson were running today, would they be elected...?

...or has the American electorate become such a bunch of obscene know-nothing degenerates that intelligence, compassion, innovation, imagination, and insight are held to vices and hubris, irresponsibility, ignorance, bigotry, and a general no-class ethos are held to be virtues?

Planning ahead... What to do when I go for University?

It's totally possible to keep a horse and go to college. I'm almost done and have managed to have 1-2 horses the entire 4 years. Definitely not easy as have to work to have money for the horses and find time to ride, go to class, study etc. But I do it and manage to get mostly A's too! I did say goodbye to a social life :) but for me totally worth it as I'm not a party girl anyway. I have learned to be very smart with money to make it all work. It is possible but depends on your situation.

Why does my doc want to know if I own a gun?

its more for how they react if you come in with a mental health problem, she probibally is fresh outta med school or possiblly a resident, they ask everything they learned, as far as being rough, there is no way for you to prove that she was any rougher with you than with anybody else.

Tennis question: Which racquet should I get?

I found two that feel really nice, but can't decide which one to get. The first is a Head Titanium Ti.S6 and the other is a Wilson Black Whisper Hybrid. Thanks for your help!

Wilson racket vs Babolat racket?

Hi, I've narrowed my choice of tennis rackets to two. The Wilson Six.One 26 BLX and the Babolat Eagle Strung tennis racket. Which is better?

Would you take this swimming pool survey ?

I'm not exactly sure what your question is, but I got the exact same results as you and it fits me to a T. How you get into a swimming pool reflects your lifestyle, I'm not sure, but it is true.

Money taken from my account?

First of all, give up on trying to email them. Actually call them and speak to a real person. If they refuse to give back your money, then call your bank and inform them that money has been taken out of your account without your permission. Hopefully they will refund it or get it back for you.

Am i being a stupid teenager?

I want to move in with my dad who lives in southern California. I live in nor cal with my mom. The reasons for this include school, arts programs, opportunities, acting training, and my girlfriend. She lives there and I ean2 move and go to her school. My mom is utterly against the idea and says she would be an awful parent if she let me move for a girl. She says the chance we will end up together is tiny and that it's better that it's long distance because I can focus on school. I've been depressed for almost a year now since I only see her once a month. Am I being a stupid teenager? Or does my love for her make it ok?

Private criminal prosecution in Northern Ireland (NI)?

It is a civil action you are looking for, you contact a lawyer and they will sue the person for the crime. It costs a fair amount of money and takes time. Talk to a lawyer, OJ Simpson in the USA had a civil action taken out on him for the murder.

How do I lose weight on short notice?

I'm starting 7th grade in a bit over a month! -.-" Anyway, I wanna know if I can lose 5-15 pounds through that amount of time. I want to really focus on the tummy and I want to tone my thighs. I can't really cut out on anything because we don't have that type of money where we just stop eating something and go buy another. And I want to boost my metabolism too. They say eat about every 3 hours. I can't do that! I have school. It's frustrating because I'm on vacation and I don't want to exercise alone. (7th grade tips or experiences will be appreciated) An at home workout plan would be helpful for my teen girl self! Thanks people! muchlove

Do you think that all the angry men on here are just quiet and passive in real life?

Web site,s like this ,face book and others do allow various people to act angry and aggressive ,when in real life they are not that way. Simple reason is they can be anonymous so will get no physical contact when they use above. It,s a good way to let off steam but not if it,s the ONLY way to let off steam.

How safe it is to provide your number online for education enquiries, etc.?

I am really concerned because I just entered my phone nubmer while enquiring for University of Phoenix Education programs and now they have my number. Do you think they will have my number on their records forever now? I spoke to two Admissions guys and both of them were really rude. So I decided to not enroll into that University for the better. But now I am concerned about them having my number and mailing address. Is there anyway I can do something so that they don't have my information anymore and don't mail me stuff?

What 1st car is good for a young female?

I would personally go with the Mazda 3 it's a very nice car... Good engine very nice looking... And they look really good in a blue or black

My friend says she was trying to break the ice, but I told him she just said it because. What do you think ?

Trying to break the ice - otherwise why would she need your opinion if there's a girl next to her to talk to?!?!

Is the Landlord surposed to cover the pond before you move in with young children?

Im Just enquiring as ive just moved into this privete rented house and the pond is not covered baring in mind my child is just turned 2... Im sure someone told me by law they need to cover it or empty it before the new tenant moves in...

Do you want to get a bronco buster from Torrie Wilson?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a thats from Maria but what about from Torrie Wilson?

I'm losing feelings for my girlfriend?

Okay here's the story, i been with my girlfriend for about 1 year and 7 months. I love her very much, but currently losing feelings for her. Were committed and all, I'm 18 and she's turning 17 this November. I'm starting college on august 29. I have a passion for film, were in summer right now and I'm planning on making movies. The thing is, i just really want to focus on my career which is film. I'm very mature, I'm not leaving her for another girl. This is very confusing, i would still love to be friends with her. I'm just afraid her feelings will be deeply hurt. Give me some advice please, Thank You.

What are some easy to make throw-together vegetable/fruit focused main dishes (examples below)?

A stir-fry. You need a pan, oil, and random vegetables (whatever is in your fridge). Seasoning is nice too. If you have meat, add meat, but cook the meat first then add vegetables or cook them separately than combine them.

Does anyone know where I can obtain or see the movie " Beauty" by Susan Wilson. It has Hal Holbrook in it?

This is a movie about an artist who is contracted to paint a man who has a disfigurement disease. They fall in love.

Are they giving me the brush off?

Yes my thoughts are Bank holiday weekend. You lost 4 days there, and there is more this w/e. Have patience, I'm sure you will hear in time.

When you're on a gymnastics team, do you have to do every event?

I've been doing gymnastics for a year, and I've mostly focused on the floor, and taught myself a lot on the trampoline. I was thinking of joining the gymnastics team rather than just take lessons. So next year I think I could train myself to be level 8 or 9 on floor, however I think on the bars/beam/vault, I'm probably like level 2 lol. I'm 15 right now, and it's kinda embarrassing competing against 3 year olds. So I was wondering, do people on the gymnastics team compete on all apparatuses? What should I do.

How to get money, when your time is limited?

Well I last year I had a job then quit at the start of this year because I wanted to stay focused for yr 12, but i really missed the money there's so many things im doing without, so how can i get some money when i cant work during school time, like i can work on holidays but all the shops around here dont want anybody just for the holidays, so please help!! how can i get money

What glove Wilson a2k or Mizuno pro limited?

I am getting a new glove but I don't know if I should get Wilson a2k or mizuno pro limited for 3rd base. Pro and cons of each thxs

What happens when police lose stolen property?

We were burgled a couple of years back. We gave statements which detailed the stuff that had been taken, mainly jewellery. Some stolen property was retrieved via a pawn broker, we weren't told exactly what, and how much . We were told by the sergeant dealing with the case that it would be used as evidence in court. The burglar was prosecuted and served time, and the the investigation seems to have concluded. We have made a number of enquires as to when we would get our stuff back and originally told that it would be retained in case of any appeal etc. I have made recent enquiries since then; however, now we have been told that there is no trace. It seems they have no record of what evidence they held and it may have been lost in the system. I am considering some kind of complaint, but what happens in a scenario such as this, is there any kind of compensation for this? I was please the police nailed him, but It seems a bit wrong when the lad who done it is now walking round town still on drugs and will likely commit a similar crime again to feed his habit. Alot of the jewellery had sentimental value more than anything.

I am in need of your supportive advise which motivates me to lead my life happily and peacefully.?

Nobody can make this decision for you. Surely you must understand that this married guy does not respect you in any way. It sounds like you are very low and at rock bottom.

How do i be honest with him?

okay so i started talking to this guy, now we text and stuff, we went on a date last week, and my friend is friends with him and talks to him and she knows he likes me. he has also told me that he likes me and he wants to go on another date, just i dont think i can. i dont like him and i dont want to hurt his feelings. hes really nice just i cant seem to like him like he likes me. plus, i have an ex and weve been starting to get closer and closer and i want to focus more on that. when i first started talking to this guy who likes me, my intentions werent to go out with him, but i think thats what his intentions were. i need to tell him somehow so he doesnt waste his time on me, just i really dont know how to because ive never been in this kind of situation before. thanks!

Is my job is making me ill...?

basically, I'm working in a factory, 9 hours a day, 12 days in a row with only 2 days off before doing the whole process again. on top of that me and my colleagues were pretty much forced into doing an hours overtime today... Is that even legal? I'm feeling completely drained, like I don't want to get up in the morning every day and I'm constantly aching. I was told last week that because I went to the doctor (who told me he suspects I've got a brain tumour) and had 3 days off sick, I'm not allowed another day sick til the end of june. I really feel like just not going back but I live on my own and obviously need the money. I have also enquired about less days to no avail. Can anyone help me out? I really need tomorrow off to go to the doctors but I don't want to lose my job.. Till I have another one lined up :(

Should i focus on the diagnosis or the symptoms?

Hi guys. Hope you are fine today. I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder.I have a history of major depression but i wasn't diagnosed until after i had a hypomanic episode.Some people's experiences of hypomania can be quite positive.With some experiencing high functioning behaviour and increased productivity and creativity.However my hypomanic phase was a very negative experience.It was characterised by uncontrollable racing thoughts, insomnia,dysphoria(extreme agitation and irritability), full blown rages,excess energy, hypersexuality and excessive spending.I am now on Lithium and my pdoc is great.My question is should i focus on the label or the symptoms?

Is it possible to be addicted to soda?

you can be mentally and physically addicted to soda. if you drink soda daily then your body will start craving the caffeine. try limiting how much sodas you drink a day or if you drink one every day limit how many you drink a week. you could try replacing soda with any other drinks you like that don't have caffeine in it. i used to be addicted to dr. pepper. i would HAVE to have at least one every day if not two. when i drink soda it calms me down also and when i don't have a soda i would feel irritable and i would get headaches. but i replaced dr. pepper with capri suns and flavored water and also tea (i know it has caffeine in it). the tea would still give me the little bit of caffeine i "needed" but, drinking that with juice, i soon was able to not have to drink tea every day either.

Do i need to pay the hospital in case of planned Cashless Hospitalization?

I have applied for cashless hospitalization from the TPA. The authorization has been granted to the hospital to proceed further. But the hospital authorities demand that i pay an amount of Rs. 10,000 prior to hospitalization in advance. This is for the hospital expenses that would not be covered by the insurance. When i enquired the TPA, i was suggested to pay the advance. Please shed some light on this. Is it really necessary to pay the advance?

Help me choose my MLB team?

Don't pick a team because they win the world series or make the playoffs. Pick a team because you like the city, colors, or the mascot. And don't change the team that you like because they might suck for a few years, that means they will have first pick in the draft and may have a promising future.

Can someone tell me if i a werewolf...?

well i have always been different then "normal" kids i have an invisible friend that i am just now coming to realize might be imaginary and that's not the worst of it around the middle of 9th grade i had a dream that a very skinny old man and a dog were standing by the road side when i walked by the man whispered something and i turned around to see what he said and his dog jumped up and sank his teeth into my left shoulder and had his massive paw pushing down on my face and when the pain became almost unbearable the man walked up tome and said ill help you if you help me with a evil smirk on his face and i agreed... i woke up sweating like crazy and i realized that my blinds up and when i looked out the window i saw the full moon and my shoulder started to hurt like crazy i ran into the bathroom to look at it and right were the dog bit me in my dream was a huge purple bruise i thought was still dreaming and went back to bed. the next morning i looked at my arm and the bruise was still there i thought maybe i slept on my arm wrong or something but ever since then i have had terrible nightmares of being chased by something and it always ends the same i get cornered and when i turn around before i see what it is i wake up i have gotten paler had trouble focusing my eyesight I've been extremely thirst but wont go in my pool any more and i don't know why? some times my eyes just start to water for no reason I've even gotten a taste for rare meat this all may sound stupid and a lot of this might be explained but there's more oh so much more... my knees have been bothering me a lot and also my elbows and i have this weird rash on my leg I've lost a lot of weight because i weighed about 200 pounds near the beginning of 9th grade and now i only weigh 167 again this all might be explained with something as simple as "your getting older" but there's even stuff i don't understand like i can here my dog whistle and its loud!! my fingers have grown about a half an inch especially my middle finger i have pushed away almost all my good friends leaving me with no one to talk to about this and oh yeah my dad wont me to go to Christan life for the next year and i started yelling at him and even felt like punching him in the face and he was being extremely calm about the situation and just recently i have been "attracted" to some dogs and girls call me weird but im trying to tell you everything i can think of and i think the last thing is that i would were my heavy black jacket in like 90 degree weather and i wouldn't be hot but if i took it off i would be cold and i use to were this silver ring my grand ma got me but i just wont touch it any more and the people i do tell ask me if i have a star marking o me and come to thin of it i do have this obsession with stars and last week when this girl at my work got cut on her leg all i could do is stare at the blood and the image of me being attacked by that dog came up in my mind... all i wont is help i don't wont to be cured of it but i also don't wont anyone to get hurt i heard that if you get counciling it helps but fat chance of that happening my dad thinks it's a joke oh and to you people out there who don't believe in werewolves just don't answer and that mean you lord bearclaw of Gryphon Woods i don't wanna here about the impossibilities i wont help!

Can't focus, can't function. How do I get her out of my head?

you should write a book entitled "Gotta get over it" because you do, all she seemed to want is to have sex in your story, if you didn't for some "special reason" that would just make it super akward that you couldn't preform

What is the earliest a child can have glasses?

My lo was 10 months. When she started wearing glasses. She needed them because she has what is know as a lazy eye. The doctor was trying to straighten the eye. The glasses where gotten after 6 months of patching. The glasses helped her eye sight. But it didn't correct the eye. She ended up have 2 surgeries And it still not right. I think we would of been better off leaving it alone. If you do decide to take your baby to see a doctor about his eyes.May I? Suggest a ears,eyes, nose and throat specialist would be a good place to start. And please ask them if they have pediatrics doctors.

Do Antidepressants Age Your Face?

Hi im currently taking Citalopram 20Mg daily and have been for about 12 month. Ive been reading up that antidepressants cause facial muscle to relax and age quicker im just enquiring wether anyone could clarify for me please also if facial muscle do relax is it a temporary affect? Thanks

Which car is the best choice?

Its simple. Go to and look for mitsubishi. On max price put 10,000 dollars. I garentee u will find a deal.

Item not as described - ebay?

Hiya, Just wanted to get some opinions on this .... I bought a vintage Beatles jigsaw puzzle on ebay and it stated that it was complete. It was very expensive and when it arrived I noticed that 3 of the playing cards were missing. I enquired with ebay to ask if it would be OK for me to ask for my money back and they said I needed to contact the seller and that they couldn't help because I had paid by postal order and not paypal (I do not have a paypal account as I have had trouble with them in the past). The seller has said that she's sure the game was complete and that the cards must have got mislaid when she moved house. She said they were probably still at her ex-husband's house and that it would take some time for her to check. How long do you think it would be reasonable for me to chase her on this - I am really disappointed as I had to save for quite some time to get this piece of Beatles memorabilia. What could I say to her - I don't want to be too aggressive in asking because as I said I have no comeback with paypal/ebay. Thanks all.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What should I believe?

hmmm it sounds like maybe ur friend likes him and is lying to u to keep u from him. thats just a guess. tho good luck

Is there still enough time to read the 7 Harry Potter books in time for July 15th?

depends, if you are a reader in general, but at the same time it doesn't matter. Cause I could read those books soo fast cause it was hard for me to set them down. and i read them before the movies came out. so knowing the movie and reasding and expecting something might slow you down. or speed it up. just try to do it.

SF Giants funny sayings or quotes?

"I wanna rage, right now" is probably the only one of Wilson's I can think of. Welcome to the Freak Show would be pretty boss too.

How should I approach ex boyfriend after 2 months of not seeing eachother?

I met his at the rollordrome and I fell for him. We made out and all that crap. He said he loved me until we stopped texting. For no reason. Now I may see him this Friday or not then I'll see him in the fall in school and was wondering what I should say to him. He's a good kisser has good looks and I really do like him. Now only answer how you would handle this situation if it was you. Not no good up to him say hi and smile crap please. Maybe flirting or trying to make him jealous and dirty dancing to the loud music? Btw I'm 12 and am mature. So don't say I'm too young and focus on your studies. I do so please answer my question. If your nice enough I'll give you 10 points.

Worst day ever. I don't know what to do.?

It's school. not the rest of your life. you will still have your friends. And it's cross country, not the rest of your life. Next week, or even tomorrow will be better.

How successful would this team be?

Hmm I would have to say they can win a championship. But it's not guaranteed. They need a Center too, that team looks like it won't play good defense. It's a small lineup too

How to focus on one story ? :(?

i just have so many ideas ! everytime i start a story or a fanfic i never finish it :( because i get bored and start another one immediately !!! it's annoying :( i really wanna complete a book but it never happens to me !!!!

Can I get the deposit back on student rented accomodation that I no longer wish to move in to?

The deposit may have been to just hold the unit for you and if this is the case you may not get your money back.

OWA benifits for OFW... not real?

it's called exit clearance, you pay around 2000 pesos for that piece of paper so that they will let you leave. if you intend to borrow, you need to go to pag ibig, also located inside poea ortigas. they should have funds there, otherwise you are correct, GMA stole the money so their is no funds

Should Liberals Have The Right To Blame Bush While Cons Still Blame Woodrow Wilson & F.D.R.?

Of course they should have that right ! It says so much about them to the Americans that know better.

How to tell my parents that i missed my college today?

my classes started from last 3 days and i decided to attend that time my friends planned to watch movie and they asked me to come....i finished my improvement exams a week ago so i went to movie with them...definitly my college staff call my parents and enquire about my absense today....i said nothing to my parents about the first day of my college as i went to i'm scared to tell my dad....plz help....thanks in advance...


I'm 13 years old and I'm 5'4 what kind of clubs should I have? I was looking at maxfli and Wilson any suggestions?

Who is smarter Maddox or Brian Wilson?

My friend and I are having a debate, who is more intelligent Maddox (of or Brian Wilson of the San Francisco Giants? Have they taken any verifiable IQ tests through which this can be quantified and measured?

What to respond to my coach's email?

My cross country coach sent me a really long email about how he was disappointed in my focus on the sport... and as I read the whole email I started bawling crying because he also basically insulted me to my face like 5 times saying I was lazy and that my attitude is unacceptable . He said that he was disappointed in me like 5 times for not having looked at the chart he emailed us that said what zone our heart rates were supposed to be in, and also he said that I "need a major wake up call" and the whole email I guess was somewhat necessary because I have been slacking off a little (not in my workouts though, in other things like wearing my heart rate monitor and such) but it was really really mean and it made me cry for at least an hour. I read it about an hour ago and I am still crying. I don't even know what to reply to him. Do I try to explain myself, or just say I will work harder from now on? Or do I might as well quit the team bc the email was so mean? Like I really do not know what to do.... the email was such a surprise. Has anyone else ever had a similar situation where the coach like corners you and tell you you aren't focused enough? helppppppp

What have you recently learned?

I learned there isn't such a thing as soul-mates. I believe that man was made for woman and viceversa. I believe that most people base their connectivity on superficial things (such as looks,money,popularity and so on) and they call it love but when they see that it wasn't love they get mad,confused,blameful,bitter, resentful & lost. Love is to want to do what is right and good. To uphold a strong desire to restore people including self, preserve people by saying and doing things that are productive and not destructive. Love is bold and doesn't settle for the lusts of this world but the true faith in goodness. Man & woman are different but yet so much similar. Man was made for certain duties and woman for hers. Mankind are complimentary to each other and are meant to work harmoaniously, as a person with their horse or the moon to the sun. People are full of blame competition and egocentricity. Love is humble and giving, needs not to boast because it knows (not thinks) what is good and right. Be noble, be good ,be who we were meant to be, as we were designed to be.

How far did 'The Big 3' agree on how to treat Germany at Versailles 1919?

It sucked. They put them in debt and Germany hated it. That's why WWII started because Germany couldn't pay and it was outrageously poor. Wilson didn't want it; but George of GB and Clemenceau of France did because they were in Europe.

Can I take an evening class during the summer in adult school?

So Im an incoming junior in high school and im missing 10 credits and I asked my counselor if I could make up those classes in adult school during the summer at wilson high school. I didn't remember that i have dance practice on tuesday wednesday and thursday and these practices are mandatory so I was wondering if wilson adult school offers classes in the evening even if they are during the summer. If they do can anyone tell me at what time the classes start. Thanks for the help(:

Which racket should I get?

You should definitely get the Wilson 61 Tour if you are a pretty good player. It gives you alot of control and spin, but it has a smaller sweet spot, so if you are not a pretty good player you might struggle. You need to be at least around a 4.5 rating in order for this to be the racquet for you. For more info go to

Rate my "improved" pokemon team?

Your team is alright. I would make a few changes though. Take out Blissey. I know it has a lot of HP but it needs to go because of its poor speed, attack, and defense. Replace it with a Haxorus / Hydreigon because those are both fast and good. Once you have one of those two in replace Zoroark with Volcarona. Volcarona has awesome Sp.attack and speed which would help your team a lot. I don't really like Arcanine either, but that's just my personal preference. A very underused pokemon is Excadrill. They have good attck and speed as well. I hope this helps!

Does my crush like me?

maybe hes over you and you said you used to date so why didn't you just say how do i know if my ex still likes me ? the last part confuses me sorry im slow

With Russell Wilson, is Wisconsin a real championship contender?

Russell Wilson QB; 4 good young RBs, Nick Toon returning along with a decent defense returning led by Borland as well as the always great Wisconsin O-Line.

Why i always cry everyday?

now i am here with my sister and her boyfriend in htown but i don't want stay live with them because they re disrespect, drama, fight, yelling, and dirty. and my mom want me back with her in south valley i said no i don't want live with them because they re same thing too. i dislike. i like respect, happy, helping, show love, care, more mature, no dirty, no fight, no drama, and more things that's what i want mom just don't care and use me...i told my mom i want move live with my boyfriend because i like his respect, learn to bible, helping, show love, care, cleaning, cooking, teach me how to cook from arabic, he make me happy i never had happy before in my life. also i love his family and they love me too. i want move live with him because i want move on, new life, focus do my school, and HAPPY! but i can't because i'm 17 and my boyfriend is 23 old year but i have wait to my birthday on new year .....ok well i'm not happy with my family and what should i do? just stay strong and positive?

Why can't Palin and Bachmann just admit when they've made a mistake about our history!?

Bachmann said John Quincy Adams was one of our founding fathers. He was the SON of founding father John Adams. She said the founding fathers "worked tirelessly to abolish slavery." But Thomas Jefferson maintained 600 slaves. James Madison had 106. George Washington had 306. They didn't work to abolish slavery. The announcer tried to tell her this and give he a way out. But no. Ego I guess wouldn't allow it, so she tried to be right, just like Palin on the Paul Revere gaffe c0ns here STILL want to find a way to make her right on. Sorry, when he rode through the town, which is what she was focused on in the statement, he was NOT warning the British that THEY were coming, ok? Do these women just have a problem saying, "I stand corrected. I made a mistake"? And if so, why do you think that is? Your thoughts.

Has anyone heard of GoldAge Group - theraphy for elderly?

I've never heard of them but they sound pretty shady to me. If your 90 year old mother signed anything, get it cancelled unless you can get satisfactory answers to your questions.

History courses for retirees?

I'm enquiring on behalf of my grandfather about any adult learning courses or informal courses in the UK

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What a good title for a tv show like this?

A good title for a tv show about a 17 year old girl who had a daughter at 16 and is living with her boyfriend any daughter. She has to focus on being a mom, school, and work. What a good title that's kinda good. Don't say something like "Teen mom"

Gutted I didn't hear back from dream job, how can I draw attention to myself again?

Hi, I had a phone interview some weeks ago for my ideal job! Dream job! I got told if I didn't hear within 21 days I should assume I am unsuccessful. I didnt, but I know I would be great for this position and am rubbish at phone interviews even though I do a lot of homework. They have delisted the job as I guess noone stood out. I e-mailed the company thanking them for their time and asking for feedback when I didn't hear and they sent me a polite scripted e-mail that they weren't obliged to give feedback from phone interviews. I am so gutted about this job, especially since it has been relisted and I didn't get a chance of a face to face interview where I know I would make a much better impact. Is there anything else I can do, maybe go into the store and innocently enquire and hope they like me face to face rather than through head office? Or is this a lost cause? Thanks :)